Software-defined networking represents a big opportunity for ISPs and telecommunication companies as it allows them to customize and extend hardware in new ways never imagined before. It also represents a big opportunity for network appliances vendors to offer more flexibility to their customers.
Igalia’s networking team applies rock-solid compilers knowledge to solve novel networking problems. Igalia builds open source network functions using the Snabb and VPP toolkits that are able to deal with exploding data traffic.
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whippet lab notebook: untagged mallocs, bis
Earlier this week I took an inventory of how Guile uses the Boehm-Demers-Weiser (BDW) garbage collector, with the goal of making sure that I had replacements for all uses lined...
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whippet lab notebook: on untagged mallocs
Salutations, populations. Today’s note is more of a work-in-progress than usual; I have been finally starting to look at getting Whippet into Guile, and there are some open questions.inventoryI started...
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tracepoints: gnarly but worth it
Hey all, quick post today to mention that I added tracing support to the Whippet GC library. If the support library for LTTng is available when Whippet is compiled, Whippet...
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