In the era of automation and connectivity, embedded devices are becoming more complex. Product vendors are now reconsidering which technologies will go into their products. Meanwhile, web-based runtimes have become a real alternative, which makes selecting a good web browser engine a key strategic decision.

From industrial automation to OEMs, and thanks to its long-term involvement in the WebKit, Chromium and Servo communities, Igalia leverages its experience in web browsers to help customers in choosing the best web runtime to deploy on a diverse set of devices, such as smart TVs, set-top boxes, tablets, mobile phones, in-vehicle infotainment systems, and home automation devices.


Browsers and Client-side Web Technologies
Browsers and Client-side Web Technologies
Browsers and Client-side Web Technologies

Browsers and Client-side Web Technologies

Igalia is the top consultancy in open source browsers, with the most expertise found in the consulting business. We play an essential role in several open web platform projects such as Chromium/Blink, WebKit (via our work on the Linux ports: WPE WebKit & WebKitGTK), Firefox and Servo.

Browsers, WebKit, Chromium, Blink, Firefox, Gecko, Servo, WebKitGTK, WPE, Wayland, Web Platform, W3C, WHATWG

Chromium is a well-known open source web browser project started by Google. Igalia engineers have…

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Compilers and Programming languages
Compilers and Programming languages
Compilers and Programming languages

Compilers and Programming languages

Igalia is an experienced JavaScript virtual machine engineering consultancy. We work on both new language feature design and implementation as well as porting, embedding and optimizing JavaScript engines. We have contributed to V8, JavaScriptCore, and SpiderMonkey.

JavaScript, JIT Compilers, V8, JavaScriptCore, SpiderMonkey, ECMAScript, TC39, Test262, WebAssembly, FEX-Emu, Mesa-IR3, RISC-V, LLVM
Embedded Linux and Device Drivers
Embedded Linux and Device Drivers
Embedded Linux and Device Drivers

Embedded Linux and Device Drivers

Igalia has years of experience working in the lower layers of the Linux stack with a strong focus in embedded technologies.

Linux, Kernel, Embedded, Drivers, Graphics, Networking, OpenEmbedded, Yocto, Buildroot

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