Linux has reached the automotive industry. Automakers, providers, and technology companies are collaborating on projects such as AGL and GENIVI to share investments in building a single platform for the entire industry. In a connected world, web technologies are paving a new way for developing infotainment and other systems for the car.

Igalia leverages its extensive experience with open source web browser engines to gain relevance in the automotive sector, helping car manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers to get the most of the web platform in the cockpit.


Browsers and Client-side Web Technologies
Browsers and Client-side Web Technologies
Browsers and Client-side Web Technologies

Browsers and Client-side Web Technologies

Igalia is the top consultancy in open source browsers, with the most expertise found in the consulting business. We play an essential role in several open web platform projects such as Chromium/Blink, WebKit (via our work on the Linux ports: WPE WebKit & WebKitGTK), Firefox and Servo.

Browsers, WebKit, Chromium, Blink, Firefox, Gecko, Servo, WebKitGTK, WPE, Wayland, Web Platform, W3C, WHATWG

Chromium is a well-known open source web browser project started by Google. Igalia engineers have…

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Igalia has a strong team with experience in the multimedia stack on both desktop environments and embedded devices. GStreamer, the reference framework for Linux-based multimedia, hosts many of our contributions to different layers of the stack from the kernel up to the end-user application.

GStreamer consultancy, Media backend applications, Media Players, WebKit Multimedia, VAAPI, GStreamer OpenMAX, V4L2, WebRTC, MSE, WebAudio
Graphics Pipeline and Rendering Technologies
Graphics Pipeline and Rendering Technologies
Graphics Pipeline and Rendering Technologies

Graphics Pipeline and Rendering Technologies

At Igalia we have been creating high performance user interfaces and middleware for the past decade. Our experience spans different application domains and parts of the graphics stack including rendering via hardware accelerated 3D APIs, Mesa open source OpenGL (ES) and Vulkan drivers, and more.

Vulkan, OpenGL, OpenGL ES, GLSL, SPIR-V, Mesa, GTK, Qt, Cairo, Wayland, WebKit, WebRender, Khronos Group

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