Digital TV
Multichannel video-programming distributors are facing a big shift in how users watch their favorite films and TV series. Media companies will have to be open to combining the powers of linear and over-the-top media services to adapt to the consumption habits of users. HTML5 and CSS are now playing a key role in the industry.
With Igalia’s contributions to the Web Platform and the release of WPE WebKit, Igalia has accumulated comprehensive experience with helping companies in bringing the web to numerous products and devices, including set-top boxes, smart TVs, and converged devices.

Browsers and Client-side Web Technologies
Igalia is the top consultancy in open source browsers, with the most expertise found in the consulting business. We play an essential role in several open web platform projects such as Chromium/Blink, WebKit (via our work on the Linux ports: WPE WebKit & WebKitGTK), Firefox and Servo.
Chromium is a well-known open source web browser project started by Google. Igalia engineers have…
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Igalia has a strong team with experience in the multimedia stack on both desktop environments and embedded devices. GStreamer, the reference framework for Linux-based multimedia, hosts many of our contributions to different layers of the stack from the kernel up to the end-user application.

Compilers and Programming languages
Igalia is an experienced JavaScript virtual machine engineering consultancy. We work on both new language feature design and implementation as well as porting, embedding and optimizing JavaScript engines. We have contributed to V8, JavaScriptCore, and SpiderMonkey.