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"Eight events, two booths, two talks"

The 2025 conference scene is heating up, and this month, Igalia will be on site at no fewer than nine events this month.

  • MWC25 Barcelona (March 3–6) — We’ll be set up in Hall 4 at booth stand 4C30, and Lorenzo Tilve Álvaro will deliver a brief presentation on who we are and what we do.
  • Embedded World (March 11–13) — In addition to our presence at Booth 4-636, Samuel Iglesias will present “Open-source GPU Drivers: Why you need them for your Embedded Products” at 2:45pm on Tuesday.
  • SeleniumConf (March 26-28) — Lauro Moura will be in Valencia to present his latest work via the talk “Advancing WebDriver BiDi Support in WebKit”, at 14:55 CET on Thursday.

In addition, Igalians will be in attendance at the following events:

We always enjoy talking with people, so if you’ll also be at one of the listed events, please take a moment to flag us down and say hi! And if you have any questions regarding any of our talks, are interested in having an Igalian bring a talk to an upcoming event, or you’d just like to learn more about Igalia, please feel free to reach out.