Pablo Saavedra
Swiss Army Knife for any server side stuffs.
With more than 15 years of experience with GNU/Linux operating systems. I have a comprehensive experience as Sysadmin and IT manager.
I am an enthusiast of the remote software provisioning through Ansible, Salt and Puppet and I have tons of experience on this meaning using those kind of provisioning methods. I also have experience with Yocto/OpenEmbedded and Buildroot and, lately, I’m also envolved on the continuous integration infrastructure for WebKitGTK, WPE and the porting of Chromium Ozone for Wayland.
A part of all that, I have also experience as developer with Django Web framework and multimedia streaming in the server side (Dash, HLS, rtmp, …).
Topics: Buildbot, HA, LVS, LVM2, Streaming, RTMP, Python, Django, Salt, monitoring, scripting, PostgreSQL, Trac, Redmine, BZR, Git, SVN, iptables, MooseFS, CouchDB, Amazon EC2, OpenVZ, VServer, LXC, Qemu, Yocto, … and many others acronyms. ;-)