24/7: Posts
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Echoed Whisper
The two videos I was using Whisper on have been published, so you can see for yourself how the captioning worked out. Designed as trade-show booth reel pieces, they’re below...
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WebKitGTK accelerated compositing rendering
Initial accelerated compositing support When accelerated compositing support was added to WebKitGTK, there was only X11. Our first approach was quite simple, we sent the web view widget Xwindow ID...
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Ventura Vexations
I’ve been a bit over a month now on my new 14” MacBook Pro, and I have complaints. Not about the hardware, which is solid yet lightweight, super-quiet yet incredibly...
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WebRTC, GStreamer and HTML5 - Part 1
An easy 360º solution for realtime multimedia communication. Part 1 - The story so far... # It's been a few years that we've been able to communicate in realtime from...
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2023Q2 week log
I tend to keep quite a lot of notes on the development related (sometimes at work, sometimes not) I do on a week-by-week basis, and thought it might be fun...
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Updating Wren's benchmarks
Wren is a "small, fast, class-based, concurrent scripting language", originally designed by Bob Nystrom (who you might recognise as the author of Game Programming Patterns and Crafting Interpreters. It's a...
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Serving less data with the `prefers-reduced-data` media query
I want to take a quick look at another experimental CSS feature today that's focused on tailoring what gets served to a user based on their preferences, but this time...
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Hashtags, captions and social media: An experiment using open AI
I experimented with openAI to grow audience on social media app. An experiment where I used chatgpt to generate captions and hashtags for posts.
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ESExtractor: how to integrate a dependency-free library to the Khronos CTS
ESExtractor, how to integrate a dependency-free library to the Khronos CTS # Since the Vulkan CTS is now able to test and check Vulkan Video support including video decoding, it...
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structure and interpretation of capacitor programs
Good day, hackers! Today's note is a bit of a departure from compilers internals. A client at work recently asked me to look into cross-platform mobile application development and is...
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structure and interpretation of react native
Hey hey! Today's missive continues exploring the space of JavaScript and mobile application development.Yesterday we looked into Ionic / Capacitor, giving a brief structural overview of what Capacitor apps look...
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structure and interpretation of nativescript
Greetings, hackers tall and hackers small!We're only a few articles in to this series on mobile application development frameworks, but I feel like we are already well into our journey....
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