Systems administrator, Galicia (Spain)

Join our Systems & Tools team!


At Igalia we are looking for a new Systems Administrator to join our Systems and Tools team. Igalia headquarters is in A Coruña, Galicia (Spain); we are looking for someone who lives in the area or is willing to relocate, and who has familiarity with the English language. The new member of the team will not need to work from the office every day, but will need to be able to go there as needed.

The Systems and Tools team works on a variety of technologies built around the GNU/Linux operating systems and Free Software in general. We are responsible for the design, deployment, maintenance, documentation; evolution of Igalia’s network infrastructure and services; and providing technical support to the rest of the company. We are also in charge of purchasing and configuring new hardware. The new team member will collaborate with the rest of the team to monitor, manage, and optimize existing systems; enhance security; and improve the network architecture, focusing on scalability, reliability, and performance.

We particularly value candidates with relevant hands-on experience in Free and Open Source technologies and their workflows; knowledge of continuous integration and delivery/deployment (CI/CD) systems; and knowledge of containerization, virtualization and orchestration solutions.

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Working at Igalia

We provide a remote-friendly, collaborative, and supportive environment in which Igalians from around the globe participate equally in the management and decision-making process of the company via our democratic, consensus-based assembly structure.

Join Us!

If you are interested in the above position, please fill in the form below.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Personal information

Professional information

Your cover letter is a chance to introduce yourself to us and explain a little bit about your background and what makes you interested in working at Igalia. You can discuss any contributions to free or open-source software projects you have made (previous contributions are not a requirement, but can help). We are also interested in whether you belong to any group or groups that are subject to underrepresentation and/or discrimination in the technology industry or free/open-source software. Disclosing this information is optional, but helps us evaluate your application. Finally, we would appreciate it if you let us know how we should refer to you (what pronouns you use).