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"Work we did this year, and looking forward"

As we have for several years now, Igalia continued its work on MathML. Thanks in part to some funding from the MathML-Core Support Collective, we were able to do more than we would have been able to otherwise.

This work was mainly geared toward advancing mathml-core integration in WebKit and Firefox, and our tasks were largely inspired by addressing feedback from the MathML Working Group and public submissions to Interop 2024 which were not chosen. We have made a very large amount of progress this year on these, with MathML now passing many tests for CSS styling of width, height, margin and border in all engines. These are useful properties in their own right, but are also fundamentally necessary for polyfilling other proposed features, or helping address other kinds of ragged support across browsers from the developer’s side.

3 π 4 7 π 6 10 sin θ 4 4 sin 2 θ 2 cos θ d θ = 10 3 π 4 7 π 6 sin θ cos θ cos 2 θ d θ
MathML rendered natively and styled as text with CSS

The work (detailed below) was overwhelmingly focused in Firefox and Safari, since the initial integration of CSS in MathML-Core was completed in our Chromium implementation. But, there were even a few patches made to Chrome. Along the way we also contributed several minor spec edits to match reality and opened a few new spec issues we’d like to sort out. We added 251 new MathML related subtests to Web Platform Tests and greatly improved the interoperability around these basics.

While we made very considerable progress, there is still much to do, even just in good CSS support and interoperability. Two MathML related issues (CSS styling over MathML Core and Mathematics Rendering) were submitted to Interop 2025. We hope they can get the attention and priority of others, either directly from vendors or through financial support.

In 2025, Igalia will continue to look for funding and opportunities in order to make it increasingly possible to easily publish native Mathematics on the web. You can help us keep this work going, and close gaps more rapidly, but supporting our work directly via donation (one time or recurring).


What we did in 2024, specifically…




Spec & tests

There have also been many other various changes by us and others to:
