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"The Interop group solicits community suggestions for next year’s effort"

Each year since 2020, Igalia has joined with browser vendors to work on the annual Interop project, to jointly prioritize the advancement of web interoperability.

We begin the process with a call for proposals, asking the larger web development community what features they want to see included in Interop 2025. From today through October 9th, 2024, the feature submission form is open to one and all. For insight into how proposals will ultimately be chosen, see the Interop 2025 proposal selection process.

Prioritization is difficult, but it depends heavily on having things to consider and signals to discuss. We encourage you to take part in the process by submitting pain points, liking or commenting on other submissions, and helping send signals through public discussions on social media, blogs, and anywhere else. In the end, this is about all of us. The Interop team looks forward to your thoughts!

Updated 18 September to correct the closing date of the proposal period.