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"A total of nine events over five weeks"

August is traditionally the month most of Europe goes on holiday, and Igalia is no exception, so our conference schedule was a little light this month, except for one event sneaking in at the end. September is when things really kick into gear, as we’ll be at eight events around the world, with talks galore:

We always enjoy talking with people, so if you’ll also be at any of those events, please take a moment to flag one of us down and say hi! And if you have any questions regarding any of our appearances, are interested in having an Igalian bring a talk to an upcoming event, or you’d just like to learn more about Igalia, please feel free to reach out.

(Updated 29 Aug 2024 to clarify activities around IBC2024 and the RDK Global Summit. Updated 30 Aug 2024 to add Christian Gmeiner’s talk at OSS Europe. Updated 3 Sep 2024 to add details of Andy Wingo’s talk at Scheme 2024. Updated 11 Sep 2024 to add Christian Gmeiner’s talk at Linux Day 2024.)