Igalia’s Social Responsibility
Since 2007, Igalia has been donating a portion of our income annually to a list of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) proposed by the Igalians for the consideration of the Assembly. In 2023, Igalia collaborated with 17 such organizations, working on a wide range of areas including development aid and humanitarian action, health, functional disabilities, ecology and animal welfare, transparency, and more.
Most of these NGOs have been working with Igalia for a few years, such as Gatocan to protect animal welfare, ENKI to focus on the inclusion of people with disabilities in leisure and sport, Civio to focus on public policies and their impact on citizens. We continued our long-standing partnership with the Educo project to provide complete and healthy meals to disadvantaged children in Spain’s school system, and supported the SATB2 Spanish Association to help improve the visibility and awareness of this rare genetic condition characterized by intellectual disability and severe speech problems.
Beyond work with those NGOs, Igalia invests in social development around the world. In 2023, social investments went to the A Library in Yoff project; the “Children’s Little Houses” project in Cuba, a collaboration effort with UNICEF, which consists of the adaptation of facilities in the workplace as a good solution for early childhood care; and an RT-Quic project run by Fundación Biomédica Galicia Sur to acquire the instrument that helps improving diagnostic process in clinical care practice for neurodegenerative diseases.
Igalia also contributes to Green New Deal and donates to reforestation efforts. In the former category, “Hacking for the Climate Models” aims at making climate models more efficient. Specifically, it tries helping under-developed countries/areas to be able to run all the variants required by the IPCC. This work involved work on General-Purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU) development through LLVM, an area where Igalia has a good amount of expertise from our consulting work.
On the forestation front, apart from continuing to support two existing projects in the areas of Esmelle and Rois, Igalia started working a new Reforestation project – Galnus: O Courel, which aims to restore a remote area of Galicia burned by wildfire in 2022.
Igalia sees our contributions as a long-term commitment and would like to continue to improve the diversity of the investment. With some exciting project proposals received from the Igalians for 2024, we are looking forward to another good year!