Open Prioritization Project Status
A month ago we announced our crowdfunding experiment,
We said that we would ultimately limit this specific experiement to 90 days, and review how things are going roughly every 30. Here’s where things currently stand in the race to prioritize our first project together with open-prioritization…
- :focus-visible in WebKit: 33% pledged,
- inert in WebKit: 26% pledged,
- containment in WebKit: 22% pledged,
- CSS d path in Firefox: 4% pledged,
- lab colors in Firefox: 2% pledged,
- selector list arguments for not in Chrome: <1% pledged
That’s pretty good progress! It’s been quite interesting seeing how things unfold and the conversations that the experiment has generated so far. We want to thank you for all of the feedback and observations that you have provided already. These will be the seeds for some great discussions as we continue to move forward.
It has been amazing to see so many people willing to pledge $10, $20, $50, $100 or more to help develop the commons. In one case, someone even reached out to us to make an anonymous $10k pledge! We’re so thankful to all of you who have pledged, even if it’s $1.
Looking at the results so far, we noted that there’s a lack of small pledges in the range of of $1-$5. Working together, even a small fraction of developers could fund any of the projects entirely with only $1 or $2 pledges. Since part of this experiment was intended to test the idea that lots of people contributing in small ways can accomplish great things, we have been discussing how to encourage more small donations.
We don’t want anyone to be discouraged by early pledges for larger amounts, because every little bit helps! In order to specifically encourage small pledges, we’ve decided to donate an additional $200 toward whichever project receives the most new indvidual donations of $1 or more from now until Friday, August 14th at 17:00 CEST.
We also welcome anyone who would like to offer matching pledges or other incentives.
Let’s see what happens!